

Information access to cultural heritage

14 years 10 days ago
Information access to cultural heritage
The workshop on Information Access to Cultural Heritage (IACH 2008) was held during the ECDL conference in Aarhus on the 18th September 2008. The workshop provided a venue to bring together academics carrying out research in the area of information access and practitioners working in the cultural heritage field. The aim was to encourage the exchange of ideas concerning the creation, curation, storage, retrieval and use of cultural heritage information. The day began with a keynote paper by Chris Batt, who looked to the future, challenging the audience to think of uses of technology to make sense of the landscape for users, shifting focus of information access to cultural heritage from search to find. The keynote was followed by a session on the European Digital Library with invited papers by Stefan Gradmann on the infrastructure of Europeana and by Rob Davies on work to develop the content of the Library in the EuropeanaLocal project. The proceedings continued with a series of papers ...
Martha Larson, Kate Fernie, Johan Oomen, Juan Migu
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Martha Larson, Kate Fernie, Johan Oomen, Juan Miguel Cigarrán Recuero
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