

Information Flow Analysis for VHDL

14 years 6 months ago
Information Flow Analysis for VHDL
We describe a fragment of the hardware description language VHDL that is suitable for implementing the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm. We then define an Information Flow analysis as required by the international standard Common Criteria. The goal of the analysis is to identify the entire information flow through the VHDL program. The result of the analysis is presented as a non-transitive directed graph that connects those nodes (representing either variables or signals) where an information flow might occur. We compare our approach to that of Kemmerer and conclude that our approach yields more precise results.
Terkel K. Tolstrup, Flemming Nielson, Hanne Riis N
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where PACT
Authors Terkel K. Tolstrup, Flemming Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson
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