

Information graphics: an untapped resource for digital libraries

14 years 6 months ago
Information graphics: an untapped resource for digital libraries
Information graphics are non-pictorial graphics such as bar charts and line graphs that depict attributes of entities and relations among entities. Most information graphics appearing in popular media have a communicative goal or intended message; consequently, information graphics constitute a form of language. This paper argues that information graphics are a valuable knowledge resource that should be retrievable from a digital library and that such graphics should be taken into account when summarizing a multimodal document for subsequent indexing and retrieval. But to accomplish this, the information graphic must be understood and its message recognized. The paper presents our Bayesian system for recognizing the primary message of one kind of information graphic (simple bar charts) and discusses the potential role of an information graphic’s message in indexing graphics and summarizing multimodal documents. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3 [Information Storage and Retrieva...
Sandra Carberry, Stephanie Elzer, Seniz Demir
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Sandra Carberry, Stephanie Elzer, Seniz Demir
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