

The Information Integrator: Using Semantic Technology to provide a single view to distributed data

14 years 8 months ago
The Information Integrator: Using Semantic Technology to provide a single view to distributed data
: For the integration of data that resides in autonomous data sources Software AG uses ontologies. Data source ontologies describe the data sources themselves. Business ontologies provide an integrated view of the data. FLogic rules are used to describe mappings between data objects in data source or business ontologies. Furthermore, FLogic is used as the query language. FLogic rules are perfectly suited to describe the mappings between objects and their properties. Some of these mapping rules can be generated automatically from the data sources metadata. Some patterns do frequently reoccur in user-defined mapping rules, for instance rules which establish inverse object relations or rules which create new object relations based on the objects’ property values. Within our first project access to information is still typical data retrieval and not so much knowledge inference. Therefore, a lot of effort in this project concentrated on query functionality and even more on performance. Bu...
Jürgen Angele, Michael Gesmann
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where BTW
Authors Jürgen Angele, Michael Gesmann
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