

Information Quality Aware Routing in Event-Driven Sensor Networks

13 years 11 months ago
Information Quality Aware Routing in Event-Driven Sensor Networks
—Upon the occurrence of a phenomenon of interest in a wireless sensor network, multiple sensors may be activated, leading to data implosion and redundancy. Data aggregation and/or fusion techniques exploit spatio-temporal correlation among sensory data to reduce traffic load and mitigate congestion. However, this is often at the expense of loss in Information Quality (IQ) of data that is collected at the fusion center. In this work, we address the problem of finding the leastcost routing tree that satisfies a given IQ constraint. We note that the optimal least-cost routing solution is a variation of the classical NP-hard Steiner tree problem in graphs, which incurs high overheads as it requires knowledge of the entire network topology and individual IQ contributions of each activated sensor node. We tackle these issues by proposing: (i) a topology-aware histogram-based aggregation structure that encapsulates the cost of including the IQ contribution of each activated node in a com...
Hwee-Xian Tan, Mun-Choon Chan, Wendong Xiao, Peng
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Hwee-Xian Tan, Mun-Choon Chan, Wendong Xiao, Peng Yong Kong, Chen-Khong Tham
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