

Information requirements engineering for data warehouse systems

14 years 5 months ago
Information requirements engineering for data warehouse systems
Information requirements analysis for data warehouse systems differs significantly from requirements analysis for conventional information systems. Based on interviews with project managers and information systems managers, requirements for a methodological support of information requirements analysis for data warehouse systems are derived. Existing approaches are reviewed with regard to these requirements. Using the method engineering approach, a comprehensive methodology that supports the entire process of determining information requirements of data warehouse users, matching information requirements with actual information supply, evaluating and homogenizing resulting information requirements, establishing priorities for unsatisfied information requirements, and formally specifying the results as a basis for subsequent phases of the data warehouse development (sub)project has been proposed. The most important sources for methodology components were four in-depth case studies of inf...
Robert Winter, Bernhard Strauch
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where SAC
Authors Robert Winter, Bernhard Strauch
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