

Information Source Detection in the SIR Model: A Sample-Path-Based Approach

8 years 8 months ago
Information Source Detection in the SIR Model: A Sample-Path-Based Approach
Abstract—This paper studies the problem of detecting the information source in a network in which the spread of information follows the popular Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model. We assume all nodes in the network are in the susceptible state initially except the information source which is in the infected state. Susceptible nodes may then be infected by infected nodes, and infected nodes may recover and will not be infected again after recovery. Given a snapshot of the network, from which we know all infected nodes but cannot distinguish susceptible nodes and recovered nodes, the problem is to find the information source based on the snapshot and the network topology. We develop a sample path based approach where the estimator of the information source is chosen to be the root node associated with the sample path that most likely leads to the observed snapshot. We prove for infinite-trees, the estimator is a node that minimizes the maximum distance to the infected nodes. ...
Kai Zhu, Lei Ying
Added 11 Apr 2016
Updated 11 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where TON
Authors Kai Zhu, Lei Ying
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