

Information storage capacity of crossbar switching networks

14 years 5 months ago
Information storage capacity of crossbar switching networks
In this work we ask the fundamental question: How many bits of information can be stored in a crossbar switching network? The answer is trivial when the switches of the network are in series with diodes (semi-conductive) but it is complicated when the switches are regular contacts. Exact explicit expressions and simple asymptotic bounds of the storage capacity (in bits) are derived for the general crossbar switching network with regular contact switches. Categories and Subject Descriptors B.3 [Memory Structures]: Misc.; H.0 [Information Systems] General Terms Design, Measurement, Performance, Theory. Keywords Capacity, Crossbar, Device, Information, Memory, Network, Nanotechnology, Nanotube, Nanowire, Storage, Switching.
Paul-Peter Sotiriadis
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Paul-Peter Sotiriadis
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