

Information Strategies for Open Government: Challenges and Prospects for Deriving Public Value from Government Transparency

14 years 1 months ago
Information Strategies for Open Government: Challenges and Prospects for Deriving Public Value from Government Transparency
Information-based strategies to promote open government offer many opportunities to generate social and economic value through public use of government information. Public and political expectations for the success of these strategies are high but they confront the challenges of making government data “fit for use” by a variety of users outside the government. Research findings from a study of public use of land records demonstrates the inherent complexity of public use of government information, while research from information science, management information systems, and e-government offer perspectives on key factors associated with effective information use. The paper concludes with practical recommendations for information-based open government strategies as well as areas for future research.
Sharon S. Dawes, Natalie Helbig
Added 25 Jan 2011
Updated 25 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where EGOV
Authors Sharon S. Dawes, Natalie Helbig
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