

Information technology as social phenomenon

8 years 10 months ago
Information technology as social phenomenon
Computer science is of course first of all a technological domain, but it has also become an important social phenomenon as well. Information processing techniques fulfill crucial social functions and give rise to novel forms of social organization. Computer-mediated electronic networks make possible highly distributed, interactive communication patterns corresponding closely to modern social trends. We intend to analyze here the close interplay of social changes and technological advances, which underlies much of the evolution in this domain. We will see with several examples how technology is essentially embedded within global human culture and in constant interaction with social structures. This will enable us to better understand recent social developments online, as well as to suggest promising directions for technological developments. Keywords computer science, information technology, communication processes, sociology, social networks, social media, knowledge management, virtua...
Daniel Memmi
Added 15 Apr 2016
Updated 15 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where AIS
Authors Daniel Memmi
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