

InfoStick: An Interaction Device for Inter-Appliance Computing

14 years 4 months ago
InfoStick: An Interaction Device for Inter-Appliance Computing
Abstract. Many electric appliances have recently become network reachable, and we would receive better services from them if we could use them in combination. We have therefore developed a new hand-held interaction device called “InfoStick” that serves as an “information carrier” for these appliances. For example, a user can “pick up” TV program information from a web browser and “drop” it into a VCR deck, just like moving a physical object from one place to another. Using attached visual markers, the InfoStick identifies information appliances or other physical objects and gives an appropriate choice of action to the user. This paper explains the design and implementation of the InfoStick as well as several potential applications using this device.
Naohiko Kohtake, Jun Rekimoto, Yuichiro Anzai
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where HUC
Authors Naohiko Kohtake, Jun Rekimoto, Yuichiro Anzai
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