

Infrastructure for dynamic knowledge integration - Automated biomedical ontology extension using textual resources

14 years 3 months ago
Infrastructure for dynamic knowledge integration - Automated biomedical ontology extension using textual resources
We present a novel ontology integration technique that explicitly takes the dynamics and data-intensiveness of e-health and biomedicine application domains into account. Changing and growing knowledge, possibly contained in unstructured natural language resources, is handled by application of cutting-edge Semantic Web technologies. In particular, semi-automatic integration of ontology learning results into a manually developed ontology is employed. This integration bases on automatic negotiation of agreed alignments, inconsistency resolution and natural language generation methods. Their novel combination alleviates the end-user effort in the incorporation of new knowledge to large extent. This allows for efficient application in many practical use cases, as we show in the paper. Key words: dynamic ontology integration, ontology evolution, ontology alignment and negotiation, ontology learning, biomedical ontologies, knowledge acquisition, lifecycle
Vít Novácek, Loredana Laera, Siegfri
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JBI
Authors Vít Novácek, Loredana Laera, Siegfried Handschuh, Brian Davis
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