

Initial trust, perceived risk, and the adoption of internet banking

14 years 1 months ago
Initial trust, perceived risk, and the adoption of internet banking
Studieson the adoptionof business-to-consumere-commerce have not simultaneouslyconsideredtrust and risk as important determinants of adoption behavior. Further, trust in information technology has not been addressed to a great extent in the context of e-commerce. This research explicitly encompasses the electronic channel and the firm as objects to be trusted in e-commerce. Our conceptual model leads us to believe that trust in the electronic channeland perceived risks of e-commerce are the major determinants of the adoption behavior. Based on the social network theory and the trust theory, determinants of trust in the electronic channel are included in the research model. This research is expected to provide both theoretical explanations and empirical validation on the adoption of e-commerce. We will also be able to offer specific recommendations on marketing strategies for practitioners, regarding the adoption of Internet banking.
Kyung Kyu Kim, Bipin Prabhakar
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ICIS
Authors Kyung Kyu Kim, Bipin Prabhakar
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