

An inner-product lower-bound estimate for dynamic time warping

13 years 6 months ago
An inner-product lower-bound estimate for dynamic time warping
In this paper, we present a lower-bound estimate for dynamic time warping (DTW) on time series consisting of multi-dimensional posterior probability vectors known as posteriorgrams. We develop a lower-bound estimate based on the inner-product distance that has been found to be an effective metric for computing similarities between posteriorgrams. In addition to deriving the lower-bound estimate, we show how it can be efficiently used in an admissible K nearest neighbor (KNN) search for spotting matching sequences. We quantify the amount of computational savings achieved by performing a set of unsupervised spoken keyword spotting experiments using Gaussian mixture model posteriorgrams. In these experiments the proposed lower-bound estimate eliminates 89% of the DTW previously required calculations without affecting overall keyword detection performance.
Yaodong Zhang, James R. Glass
Added 20 Aug 2011
Updated 20 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Yaodong Zhang, James R. Glass
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