

Per-Input Control-Flow Integrity

8 years 8 months ago
Per-Input Control-Flow Integrity
Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) is an effective approach to mitigating control-flow hijacking attacks. Conventional CFI techniques statically extract a control-flow graph (CFG) from a program and instrument the program to enforce that CFG. The statically generated CFG includes all edges for all possible inputs; however, for a concrete input, the CFG may include many unnecessary edges. We present Per-Input Control-Flow Integrity (PICFI or πCFI), which is a new CFI technique that can enforce a CFG computed for each concrete input. πCFI starts executing a program with the empty CFG and lets the program itself lazily add edges to the enforced CFG if such edges are required for the concrete input. The edge addition is performed by πCFI-inserted instrumentation code. To prevent attackers from arbitrarily adding edges, πCFI uses a statically computed all-input CFG to constrain what edges can be added at runtime. To minimize performance overhead, operations for adding edges are designed to...
Ben Niu, Gang Tan
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where CCS
Authors Ben Niu, Gang Tan
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