

On the Insecurity of Parallel Repetition for Leakage Resilience

13 years 10 months ago
On the Insecurity of Parallel Repetition for Leakage Resilience
A fundamental question in leakage-resilient cryptography is: can leakage resilience always be amplified by parallel repetition? It is natural to expect that if we have a leakage-resilient primitive tolerating bits of leakage, we can take n copies of it to form a system tolerating n bits of leakage. In this paper, we show that this is not always true. We construct a public key encryption system which is secure when at most bits are leaked, but if we take n copies of the system and encrypt a share of the message under each using an n-out-of-n secret-sharing scheme, leaking n bits renders the system insecure. Our results hold either in composite order bilinear groups under a variant of the subgroup decision assumption or in prime order bilinear groups under the decisional linear assumption. We note that the n copies of our public key systems share a common reference parameter.
Allison B. Lewko, Brent Waters
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where FOCS
Authors Allison B. Lewko, Brent Waters
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