

Insight Lab: An Immersive Team Environment Linking Paper, Displays, and Data

14 years 4 months ago
Insight Lab: An Immersive Team Environment Linking Paper, Displays, and Data
The Insight Lab is an immersive environment designed to support teams who create design requirements documents. Requirements emerge from a deep understanding of a problem domain, which is achieved through in-depth analysis of large amounts of qualitative data. The goal of the Lab is to facilitate the data analysis process through the seamless interaction of computer-based technologies with objects in the environment. Team members can use paper and whiteboards to sketch, annotate, and display their analysis work. Barcodes are used to link papers and whiteboard printouts to the multimedia data stored in the computer. Keywords Interaction design, collaboration, analysis methods, video analysis, hybrid paper electronic interfaces, digital documents, group memory, barcode technology
Beth M. Lange, Mark A. Jones, James L. Meyers
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where CHI
Authors Beth M. Lange, Mark A. Jones, James L. Meyers
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