

Integrated Decision Algorithms for Auto-steered Electric Transmission System Asset Management

14 years 8 months ago
Integrated Decision Algorithms for Auto-steered Electric Transmission System Asset Management
Electric power transmission systems are comprised of a large number of physical assets, including transmission lines, power transformers, and circuit breakers, that are capital-intensive, highly distributed, and may fail. Managing these assets under resource constraints requires equipment health monitoring integrated with system level decision-making to optimize a number of various operational, maintenance, and investment-related objectives. Industry processes to these ends have evolved ad-hoc over the years, and no systematic structures exist to coordinate the various decision problems. In this paper, we describe our progress in building a prototype structure for this purpose together with a software-hardware environment to deploy and test it. We particularly focus on the decision algorithms and the Benders approach we have taken to solve them in an integrated fashion.
James D. McCalley, Vasant Honavar, Sarah M. Ryan,
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICCS
Authors James D. McCalley, Vasant Honavar, Sarah M. Ryan, William Q. Meeker, Daji Qiao, Ronald A. Roberts, Yuan Li, Jyotishman Pathak, Mujing Ye, Yili Hong
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