

Integrated Production and Outbound Distribution Scheduling: Review and Extensions

14 years 1 months ago
Integrated Production and Outbound Distribution Scheduling: Review and Extensions
In many applications involving make-to-order or time-sensitive (e.g., perishable, seasonal) products, finished orders are often delivered to customers immediately or shortly after the production. Consequently, there is little or no finished product inventory in the supply chain such that production and outbound distribution are very intimately linked and must be scheduled jointly in order to achieve a desired on-time delivery performance at minimum total cost. Research on integrated scheduling models of production and outbound distribution is relatively recent, but is growing very rapidly. In this paper, we provide a survey of such existing models. We present a unified model representation scheme, classify existing models into several different classes, and for each class of the models give an overview of the optimality properties, computational tractability, and solution algorithms for the various problems studied in the literature. We clarify the tractability of some open problems l...
Zhi-Long Chen
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IOR
Authors Zhi-Long Chen
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