

Integrating and optimizing transactional memory in a data mining middleware

14 years 1 months ago
Integrating and optimizing transactional memory in a data mining middleware
As the size of available datasets in various domains is growing rapidly, there is an increasing need for scaling data mining implementations. Coupled with the current trends in computer architecture, where scaling only seems possible with effective utilization of the increasing number of cores, this is leading to a programmability and performance challenge for data mining applications on emerging multicore architectures. Recently, Software Transactional memory (STM) has been gaining popularity as a viable tool for easing programmability on shared memory machines. This paper focuses on utilizing, optimizing, and evaluating STM for data mining applications on multi-core architectures. The specific contributions of this paper are three-fold: 1) An existing STM algorithm (Transactional Locking II) has been integrated with a parallel data mining middleware, FREERIDE. This enables transparent use of the STM technique by any application developed using this middleware. 2) We have developed a...
Vignesh T. Ravi, Gagan Agrawal
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where HIPC
Authors Vignesh T. Ravi, Gagan Agrawal
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