

Integrating Context Information in a Mobile Environment using the eSana Framework

14 years 1 months ago
Integrating Context Information in a Mobile Environment using the eSana Framework
: Mobile devices are becoming ubiquitous in everyday’s life, their popularity and place independence are reasons for using these devices in different areas. One such area is electronic health, where patients can install small applications on their mobile devices that help or guide them in certain situations. The eSana framework offers a set of tools and approaches that allow the transmission of discrete physiological values electronically in order to evaluate them by medical experts. This paper presents an extension to this framework that includes the use of contextual information to improve eSana. The use case “Find nearby pharmacy” will illustrate a simple application that uses context information to guide the patient to the best pharmacy within his range. A second use case will enrich the existing idea of transmitting physiological parameters with context information. 1 Mobile devices in eHealth A very large percentage of the European population owns a mobile phone. Their ubiq...
Marco Savini, Henrik Stormer, Andreas Meier
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ECEH
Authors Marco Savini, Henrik Stormer, Andreas Meier
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