

Integrating Pedagogical Agents into Virtual Environments

14 years 2 months ago
Integrating Pedagogical Agents into Virtual Environments
In order for a virtual environment to be effective as a training tool, it is not enough to concentrate on the fidelity of the renderings and the accuracy of the simulated behaviors. The environment should help trainees develop an understanding of the task being trained, and should provide guidance and assistance as needed. This paper describes a system for developing virtual environments in which pedagogical capabilities are incorporated into autonomous agents that interact with trainees. These pedagogical agents can monitor trainees’ progress and provide guidance and assistance. The agents interact with simulations of objects in the environment, and with trainees. The paper describes the architectural features of the environment and of the agents that permit the agents to meet instructional objectives within the virtual environment. It also discusses how agent-based instruction is combined with other methods of delivering instruction.
W. Lewis Johnson, Jeff Rickel, Randy Stiles, Allen
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors W. Lewis Johnson, Jeff Rickel, Randy Stiles, Allen Munro
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