

Integrating the web and the world: contextual trails on the move

14 years 5 months ago
Integrating the web and the world: contextual trails on the move
This paper presents applications of HyCon, a framework for context aware hypermedia system. The HyCon architecture encompasses annotations, links, and guided tours associating locations and RFID- or Bluetooth-tagged objects with maps, Web pages, and collections of resources. The user-created annotations, links and guided tours, are represented as XLink structures, and HyCon introduces the use of XLink for the representation of recorded geographical paths with annotations and links. The HyCon framework extends upon earlier location based hypermedia systems by supporting authoring in the field and by providing access to browsing and searching information through a novel geo-based search (GBS) interface for the Web. Interface-wise, the HyCon prototype utilizes SVG on an interface level, for graphics as well as for user interface widgets on tablet PCs and mobile phones. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.4 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: Hypermedia Keywords Context aware H...
Frank Allan Hansen, Niels Olof Bouvin, Bent Guldbj
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where HT
Authors Frank Allan Hansen, Niels Olof Bouvin, Bent Guldbjerg Christensen, Kaj Grønbæk, Torben Bach Pedersen, Jevgenij Gagach
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