

Integration of a Multilingual Keyword Extractor in a Document Management System

14 years 4 months ago
Integration of a Multilingual Keyword Extractor in a Document Management System
In this paper we present a new Document Management System called DrStorage. This DMS is multi-platform, JCR-170 compliant, supports WebDav, versioning, user authentication and authorization and the most widespread file formats (Adobe PDF, Microsoft Office, HTML,...). It is also easy to customize in order to enhance its search capabilities and to support automatic metadata assignment. DrStorage has been integrated with an automatic language guesser and with an automatic keyword extractor: these metadata can be assigned automatically to documents, because the DrStorage's server part has benn modified to allow that metadata assignment takes place as documents are put in the repository. Metadata can greatly improve the search capabilites and the results quality of a search engine. DrStorage's client has been customized with two search results view: the first, called timeline view, shows temporal trends of queries as an histogram, the second, keyword cloud, shows which words are ...
Andrea Agili, Marco Fabbri, Alessandro Panunzi, Ma
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LREC
Authors Andrea Agili, Marco Fabbri, Alessandro Panunzi, Manuel Zini
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