

Integration Problems in Telephone Feature Requirements

14 years 4 months ago
Integration Problems in Telephone Feature Requirements
The feature interaction problem is prominent in telephone service development. Through a number of case studies, we have discovered that no single semantic framework is suitable for the synthesis and analysis of formal feature requirements models, and the choice of modelling language has certain knock-on effects on the transformational design steps which lead to implementation. We initially describe a mixed semantic model approach whilst acknowledging that integration is a major concern. Our method incorporates operational state transition models, temporal logic formulae and object oriented structuring mechanisms. Each of these approaches gives rise to certain advantages and disadvantages, and we propose a complementary integration which allows the client to express their requirements in the way in which they understand their needs, whilst building formal models for transformation and verification during design. This paper evaluates such a mixed semantic approach in the domain of tel...
J. Paul Gibson, Geoff Hamilton, Dominique Mé
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where IFM
Authors J. Paul Gibson, Geoff Hamilton, Dominique Méry
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