

Interactive Goniochromatic Color Design

14 years 1 months ago
Interactive Goniochromatic Color Design
An interactive program has been developed to assist in the design of new goniochromatic colors. The program gives the user a unique set of controls over a second order polynomial that defines these color families at a sequence of aspecular reflection angles. One approach, based on traditional metallic colors, allows the user to adjust the average hue, saturation, and brightness of all of the colors interpolated by the polynomial. Another method, appropriate for the newer effect colors, permits the designer to establish face and flop colors to be reached at either end of the interpolation. In a final technique, variations produced by adjusting model parameters can be evaluated and selected. Keywords Color, Optics, Reflection and Shading Models, Rendering
Clement Shimizu, Gary W. Meyer, Joseph P. Wingard
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Clement Shimizu, Gary W. Meyer, Joseph P. Wingard
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