

Interactive, Internet Delivery of Visualization via Structured Prerendered Multiresolution Imagery

14 years 2 months ago
Interactive, Internet Delivery of Visualization via Structured Prerendered Multiresolution Imagery
Abstract-We present a novel approach for latency-tolerant remote visualization and rendering where client-side frame rate display performance is independent of source dataset size, visualization technique or rendering complexity. Our approach delivers pre-rendered, multiresolution images to a remote user as they navigate through different viewpoints, visualization or rendering parameters. We employ demand-driven tiled, multiresolution image streaming and prefetching to efficiently utilize available bandwidth while providing the maximum resolution user can perceive from a given viewpoint. Since image data is the only input to our system, our approach is generally applicable to all visualization and graphics rendering applications capable of generating image files in an ordered fashion. In our implementation, a normal web server provides on-demand images to a remote custom client application, which uses client-pull to obtain and cache only those images required to fulfill the interaction...
Jerry Chen, Ilmi Yoon, Wes Bethel
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TVCG
Authors Jerry Chen, Ilmi Yoon, Wes Bethel
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