

Interactive skills using active gaze tracking

14 years 5 months ago
Interactive skills using active gaze tracking
We have incorporated interactive skills into an active gaze tracking system. Our active gaze tracking system can identify an object in a cluttered scene that a person is looking at. By following the user’s 3-D gaze direction together with a zero-disparity filter, we can determine the object’s position. Our active vision system also directs attention to a user by tracking anything with both motion and skin color. A Particle Filter fuses skin color and motion from optical flow techniques together to locate a hand or a face in an image. The active vision then uses stereo camera geometry, Kalman Filtering and position and velocity controllers to track the feature in real-time. These skills are integrated together such that they cooperate with each other in order to track the user’s face and gaze at all times. Results and video demos provide interesting insights on how active gaze tracking can be utilized and improved to make human-friendly user interfaces. Categories and Subject D...
Rowel Atienza, Alexander Zelinsky
Added 07 Jul 2010
Updated 07 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICMI
Authors Rowel Atienza, Alexander Zelinsky
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