

Interactive Visual Analysis of Multiple Simulation Runs Using the Simulation Model View: Understanding and Tuning of an Electron

13 years 7 months ago
Interactive Visual Analysis of Multiple Simulation Runs Using the Simulation Model View: Understanding and Tuning of an Electron
Multiple simulation runs using the same simulation model with different values of control parameters usually generate large data sets that capture the variational aspects of the behavior of the modeled and simulated phenomenon. We have identified a conceptual and visual gap between the simulation model behavior and the data set that makes data analysis more difficult than necessary. We propose a simulation model view that helps to bridge that gap by visually combining the simulation model description and the generated data. The simulation model view provides a visual outline of the simulation process and the corresponding simulation model. The view is integrated in a Coordinated Multiple Views (CMV) system. We use three levels of details to efficiently use the display area provided by the simulation model view. We collaborated with a domain expert and used the simulation model view on a problem in the automotive application domain, i.e., meeting the emission requirements for Diesel eng...
Kresimir Matkovic, Denis Gracanin, Mario Jelovic,
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TVCG
Authors Kresimir Matkovic, Denis Gracanin, Mario Jelovic, Andreas Ammer, Alan Lez, Helwig Hauser
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