

An Interactive Visualization Environment for Data Exploration

14 years 4 months ago
An Interactive Visualization Environment for Data Exploration
Exploratory data analysis is a process of sifting through data in search of interesting information or patterns. Analysts’ current tools for exploring data include database management systems, statistical analysis packages, data mining tools, visualization tools, and report generators. Since the exploration process seeks the unexpected in a data-driven manner, it is crucial that these tools are seamlessly integrated so analysts can flexibly select and compose tools to use at each stage of analysis. Few systems have integrated all these capabilities either architecturally or at the user interface level. Visage’s information-centric approach allows coordination among multiple application user interfaces. It uses an architecture that keeps track of the mapping of visual objects to information in shared databases. One result is the ability to perform direct manipulation operations such as drag-and-drop transfer of data among applications. This paper describes Visage’s Visual Query ...
Mark Derthick, John Kolojejchick, Steven F. Roth
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where KDD
Authors Mark Derthick, John Kolojejchick, Steven F. Roth
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