

Interactive Visualization for Network and Port Scan Detection

14 years 8 months ago
Interactive Visualization for Network and Port Scan Detection
Many times, network intrusion attempts begin with either a network scan, where a connection is attempted to every possible destination in a network, or a port scan, where a connection is attempted to each port on a given destination. Being able to detect such scans can help identify a more dangerous threat to a network. Several techniques exist to automatically detect scans, but these are mostly dependant on some threshold that an attacker could possibly avoid crossing. This paper presents a means to use visualization to detect scans interactively. Key words: Network security, information visualization, intrusion detection, user interfaces, port scans, network scans
Chris Muelder, Kwan-Liu Ma, Tony Bartoletti
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where RAID
Authors Chris Muelder, Kwan-Liu Ma, Tony Bartoletti
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