

An Interface for Assisting the Design and Production of Pop-Up Card

14 years 9 months ago
An Interface for Assisting the Design and Production of Pop-Up Card
This paper describes an interface for assisting the design and production of pop-up cards by using a computer. A pop-up card is a piece of a folded paper from which a three-dimensional structure pops up when it is opened; it can be folded flat again afterward. Many people enjoy this interesting mechanism in pop-up books and greeting cards. However, nonprofessionals find it difficult to design pop-up cards because of the various geometric constraints required to make the card fold flat. We therefore propose an assistant interface to help people easily design and construct pop-up cards. In this paper, we deal with pop-up cards that open fully to 180◦ . We have designed a prototype that allows the user to design a pop-up card by setting new parts on the fold lines and editing their position and shape afterward. At the same time, the system examines whether the parts protrude from the card or whether the parts collide with one another when the card is closed. Users can concentrate on ...
Sosuke Okamura, Takeo Igarashi
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SG
Authors Sosuke Okamura, Takeo Igarashi
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