

Interference and throughput analyses in dual-polarized wireless networks subject to Rayleigh fading

14 years 5 months ago
Interference and throughput analyses in dual-polarized wireless networks subject to Rayleigh fading
This paper investigates the impact of the polarization on the achievable throughput and the probability of successful transmission in the cellular network architectures. A channel link model is proposed in the specific case of Rayleigh-faded communication links. More precisely, we propose a closed-form expression for the link probability of success with respect to the topology of the deployment and the channel characteristics. The per-node throughput is analyzed and the gain achieved by using two different polarization modes is discussed. It turns out that, for uniform random placement of the nodes in a scenario where two cellular networks are deployed on a same location, the diversity of polarization ensures that the networks can be operate as if they were disjoint. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.1 [Network Architecture and Design]: Wireless comm. General Terms Performance, Design Keywords Wireless communications, Polarization, Channel modeling
Jean-Michel Dricot, François Horlin, Philip
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Jean-Michel Dricot, François Horlin, Philippe De Doncker
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