

Interference management for multiuser two-way relaying

14 years 10 months ago
Interference management for multiuser two-way relaying
—We consider a multiuser two-way relay network where multiple pairs of users communicate with their pre-assigned partners, using a common intermediate relay node, in a twophase communication scenario. In this system, a pair of partners transmit to the relay sharing a common spreading signature in the first phase, and the relay broadcasts an estimate of the XORed symbol for each user pair in the second phase employing the relaying scheme termed jointly demodulate-andXOR forward (JD-XOR-F) in [1]. We investigate the joint power control and receiver optimization problem for this multiuser twoway relay system with JD-XOR-F relaying. We show that the total power optimization problem decouples into two subproblems, one for each phase. We construct the distributed power control and receiver updates in each phase which converge to the corresponding unique optimum. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the significant power savings of the multiuser twoway relay system with the pro...
Min Chen, Aylin Yener
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CISS
Authors Min Chen, Aylin Yener
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