

InterJoin: Exploiting Indexes and Materialized Views in XPath Evaluation

14 years 6 months ago
InterJoin: Exploiting Indexes and Materialized Views in XPath Evaluation
XML has become the standard for data exchange for a wide variety of applications, particularly in the scientific community. In order to efficiently process queries on XML representations of scientific data, we require specialized techniques for evaluating XPath expressions. Exploiting materialized views in query processing significantly enhances query processing performance. We propose a novel view definition that allows for intermediate (structural) join results to be stored and reused in XML query evaluation. Unlike current XML view proposals, our views do not require navigation in the original document or path-based pattern matching. Hence, they are evaluated significantly faster and are easily costed as part of a query plan. In general, current structural joins can not exploit views efficiently when the view definition is not a prefix (or a suffix) of the XPath query. To increase the applicability of our proposed view definition, we propose a novel physical structural j...
Derek Phillips, Ning Zhang 0002, Ihab F. Ilyas, M.
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Derek Phillips, Ning Zhang 0002, Ihab F. Ilyas, M. Tamer Özsu
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