

Interleaved All-to-All Reliable Broadcast on Meshes and Hypercubes

14 years 4 months ago
Interleaved All-to-All Reliable Broadcast on Meshes and Hypercubes
All-to-all (ATA) reliable broadcast is the problem of reliably distributing information from every node to every other node in point-to-point interconnection networks. A good solution to this problem is essential for clock synchronization, distributedagreement, etc. We propose a novel solution in which the reliable broadcastsfrom individual nodes are interleaved in such a manner that no two packets contend for the same link at any given time-this type of method is particularlysuited for systems which use virtwl cut-through or wormhole routing for fast communicationbetween nodes. Our solution, called the IHC Algorithm, can be used on a large classof regularinterconnection networksincludingregular meshesand hypercubes.By adjusting a parameter 77 referred to as the interleaving distance, we can flexibly decrease the link utilization of the IHC algorithm (for normal traffic)at the expenseof an increasein the time required for ATA reliable broadcast. We compare the IHC algorithm to several ...
Sunggu Lee, Kang G. Shin
Added 11 Aug 2010
Updated 11 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1990
Where ICPP
Authors Sunggu Lee, Kang G. Shin
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