

Intermediate view interpolation based on multiview video plus depth for advanced 3D video systems

14 years 6 months ago
Intermediate view interpolation based on multiview video plus depth for advanced 3D video systems
A system for video on multiscopic 3D displays is considered where the data representation consists of multiview video plus scene depth. At most, 3 multiview video signals are being transmitted and used together with the depth data to generate intermediate views at the receiver. The paper presents an approach to such an intermediate view interpolation that separates unreliable image regions along depth discontinuities from reliable image regions. These image regions are processed with different algorithms and then fused to obtain the final interpolated view. In contrast to previous layered approaches, two boundary layers and one reliable layer is used. Moreover, the presented technique does not rely on 3D graphics support but uses image-based 3D warping instead. For enhanced quality intermediate view generation, hole-filling and filtering methods are described. As a result, high quality intermediate views for an existing 9-view auto-stereoscopic display are presented, which prove the s...
Aljoscha Smolic, Karsten Müller, Kristina Dix
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICIP
Authors Aljoscha Smolic, Karsten Müller, Kristina Dix, Philipp Merkle, Peter Kauff, Thomas Wiegand
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