

Interpolation search for non-independent data

14 years 1 months ago
Interpolation search for non-independent data
We define a deterministic metric of "well-behaved data" that enables searching along the lines of interpolation search. Specifically, define to be the ratio of distances between the farthest and nearest pair of adjacent elements. We develop a data structure that stores a dynamic set of n integers subject to insertions, deletions, and predecessor/successor queries in O(lg ) time per operation. This result generalizes interpolation search and interpolation search trees smoothly to nonrandom (in particular, non-independent) input data. In this sense, we capture the amount of "pseudorandomness" required for effective interpolation search.
Erik D. Demaine, Thouis R. Jones, Mihai Patrascu
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where SODA
Authors Erik D. Demaine, Thouis R. Jones, Mihai Patrascu
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