

The Interpretation of Classically Quantified Sentences: A Set-Theoretic Approach

14 years 15 days ago
The Interpretation of Classically Quantified Sentences: A Set-Theoretic Approach
Wepresentaset-theoreticmodelofthementalrepresentationofclassicallyquantifiedsentences(AllP are Q, Some P are Q, Some P are not Q,and No P are Q). We take inclusion, exclusion, and their negations tobeprimitiveconcepts.Weshowthatalthoughthesesentencesareknowntohaveadiagrammaticexpression (in the form of the Gergonne circles) that constitutes a semantic representation, these concepts can alsobeexpressedsyntacticallyintheformofalgebraicformulas.Wehypothesizedthatthequantifiedsentenceshaveanabstractunderlyingrepresentationcommontotheformulasandtheirassociatedsetsofdiagrams (models). We derived 9 predictions (3 semantic, 2 pragmatic, and 4 mixed) regarding people's assessmentofhowwelleachofthe5diagramsexpressesthemeaningofeachofthequantifiedsentences.We report the results from 3 experiments using Gergonne's (1817) circles or an adaptation of Leibniz (1903/ 1988) lines as external representations and show them to support the predictions.
Guy Politzer, Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Claire
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Guy Politzer, Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Claire Delle Luche, Ira A. Noveck
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