

Interpreting the layout of web pages

14 years 9 months ago
Interpreting the layout of web pages
Web pages such as news and shopping sites often use modular layouts. When used effectively this practice allows authors to present clearly large amounts of information in a single page. However, while sighted people can visually parse and understand these complex layouts in seconds, current assistive technologies such as screen readers cannot. This puts visually impaired users at a great disadvantage. In order to design better assistive technologies, we conducted a study of how people interpret modular layouts of news and shopping Web pages. The study revealed that when the layout complexity increases, the interpretation process gets longer and the reading gets more varied. Also, before looking at the main content, users first frame the Web page by looking for familiar structural elements that can be used as references and entry points. These elements include navigational bars, search boxes, and ads. This implies that assistive technologies can reduce the time required to frame the pa...
Luis Francisco-Revilla, Jeff Crow
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where HT
Authors Luis Francisco-Revilla, Jeff Crow
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