

Inverted Index based Modified Version of KNN for Text Categorization

14 years 12 days ago
Inverted Index based Modified Version of KNN for Text Categorization
: This research proposes a new strategy where documents are encoded into string vectors and modified version of KNN to be adaptable to string vectors for text categorization. Traditionally, when KNN are used for pattern classification, raw data should be encoded into numerical vectors. This encoding may be difficult, depending on a given application area of pattern classification. For example, in text categorization, encoding full texts given as raw data into numerical vectors leads to two main problems: huge dimensionality and sparse distribution. In this research, we encode full texts into string vectors, and modify the supervised learning algorithms adaptable to string vectors for text categorization.
Taeho Jo
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JIPS
Authors Taeho Jo
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