

Inverter minimization in multi-level logic networks

14 years 6 months ago
Inverter minimization in multi-level logic networks
In this paper, we look at the problem of inverter minimization in multi-level logic networks. The network is specified in terms of a set of base functions and the inversion operation. The library is specified as a set of allowed permutations of phase assignments on each base function. Traditional approaches to this problem have been limited to greedy heuristics based on local information. Our approach takes a more global view and maps the problem of inverter minimization into a problem of removing a minimum of vertices from a graph, so as to make the remaining graph 2colorable. This approach has the flexibility of capturing a variety of design-specific features that are relevant to the problem of inverter minimization. Although, in general the problem is NPcomplete, we have developed several good heuristic and branch and bound search techniques.
Alok Jain, Randal E. Bryant
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Authors Alok Jain, Randal E. Bryant
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