

Iso-Contour Queries and Gradient Descent with Guaranteed Delivery in Sensor Networks

14 years 9 months ago
Iso-Contour Queries and Gradient Descent with Guaranteed Delivery in Sensor Networks
—We study the problem of data-driven routing and navigation in a distributed sensor network over a continuous scalar field. Specifically, we address the problem of searching for the collection of sensors with readings within a specified range. This is named the iso-contour query problem. We develop a gradient based routing scheme such that from any query node, the query message follows the signal field gradient or derived quantities and successfully discovers all iso-contours of interest. Due to the existence of local maxima and minima, the guaranteed delivery requires preprocessing of the signal field and the construction of a contour tree in a distributed fashion. Our approach has the following properties: (i) the gradient routing uses only local node information and its message complexity is close to optimal, as shown by simulations; (ii) the preprocessing message complexity is linear in the number of nodes and the storage requirement for each node is a small constant. The sa...
Rik Sarkar, Xianjin Zhu, Jie Gao, Leonidas J. Guib
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Rik Sarkar, Xianjin Zhu, Jie Gao, Leonidas J. Guibas, Joseph S. B. Mitchell
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