This paper gives an account of how traditional metadata application profiles are related to Web ontologies and Description Logics. It is shown that metadata profiles can be formalized into Description Logics; oddly enough though, OWL 2, with its current expressivity, is shown to be inadequate for this purpose. First, we give an overview of the recent proposal for representing metadata profiles using the notion of Description Set Profiles and XML Schema. We point out the necessity of an additional representation scheme, using also ontological languages. Following, we introduce a possible translation of Description Set Profiles to Description Logics and identify the required expressivity characteristics that are essential for such a translation. The relationship of this representation to OWL Integrity Constraints is also examined. Finally, we discuss what expense do these characteristics put on to the complexity of reasoning. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.5 [Information Storage...
Dimitrios A. Koutsomitropoulos, Georgia D. Solomou