

Iterative Rounding for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems

14 years 10 months ago
Iterative Rounding for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
In this paper we show that iterative rounding is a powerful and flexible tool in the design of approximation algorithms for multiobjective optimization problems. We illustrate that by considering the multi-objective versions of three basic optimization problems: spanning tree, matroid basis and matching in bipartite graphs. Here, besides the standard weight function, we are given k length functions with corresponding budgets. The goal is finding a feasible solution of maximum weight and such that, for all i, the ith length of the solution does not exceed the ith budget. For these problems we present polynomial-time approximation schemes that, for any constant ǫ > 0 and k ≥ 1, compute a solution violating each budget constraint at most by a factor (1 + ǫ). The weight of the solution is optimal for the first two problems, and (1 − ǫ)-approximate for the last one.
Fabrizio Grandoni, R. Ravi, Mohit Singh
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ESA
Authors Fabrizio Grandoni, R. Ravi, Mohit Singh
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