

ITU-T G.EV-VBR baseline codec

14 years 6 months ago
ITU-T G.EV-VBR baseline codec
We present the G.EV-VBR winning candidate codec recently selected by Question 9 of Study Group 16 (Q9/16) of ITU-T as a baseline for the development of a scalable solution for wideband speech and audio compression at rates between 8 kb/s and 32 kb/s. The Q9/16 codec is an embedded codec comprising 5 layers where higher layer bitstreams can be discarded without affecting the decoding of the lower layers. The two lower layers are based on the CELP technology where the core layer takes advantage of signal classification based encoding. The higher layers encode the weighted error signal from lower layers using overlap-add transform coding. The codec has been designed with the primary objective of a high-performance wideband speech coding for errorprone telecommunications channels, without compromising the quality for narrowband/wideband speech or wideband music signals. The codec performance is demonstrated with selected test results.
Milan Jelinek, Tommy Vaillancourt, A. Erdem Ertan,
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Milan Jelinek, Tommy Vaillancourt, A. Erdem Ertan, Jacek Stachurski, Anssi Rämö, Lasse Laaksonen, Jon Gibbs, Stefan Bruhn
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