

Japanese Dependency Parsing Using Sequential Labeling for Semi-spoken Language

14 years 4 months ago
Japanese Dependency Parsing Using Sequential Labeling for Semi-spoken Language
The amount of documents directly published by end users is increasing along with the growth of Web 2.0. Such documents often contain spoken-style expressions, which are difficult to analyze using conventional parsers. This paper presents dependency parsing whose goal is to analyze Japanese semi-spoken expressions. One characteristic of our method is that it can parse selfdependent (independent) segments using sequential labeling.
Kenji Imamura, Gen-ichiro Kikui, Norihito Yasuda
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ACL
Authors Kenji Imamura, Gen-ichiro Kikui, Norihito Yasuda
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