

Java Distributed Separate Objects

14 years 2 months ago
Java Distributed Separate Objects
Java supports distributed programming using threads and Remote Method Invocation (JRMI). However, a Java thread does not match well with the object concept, and JRMI cannot easily used to synchronize distributed objects. This work proposes a more object oriented model for concurrent and distributed programming using the notion of separate objects. Separate objects are asynchronous objects maybe running on different processors. These objects are also used for synchronization. The presented approach should encourage more seamless designs. The implementation is supported by JOODE (Java Object Oriented Development Environment) which supports the use of an adaptable platform of a net of processors. 1 IS CONCURRENCY IN JAVA TRULY OBJECT-ORIENTED? To obtain asynchronous behavior of an action, a Java programmer must extend the class Thread, encapsulating the action in the run method. The classic production-consumption example can be illustrated with the following pattern. A class Producer ext...
Miguel Katrib, Iskander Sierra, Mario del Valle, T
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where JOT
Authors Miguel Katrib, Iskander Sierra, Mario del Valle, Thaizel Fuentes
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