

Java RMI performance and object model interoperability: experiments with Java/HPC++

14 years 2 months ago
Java RMI performance and object model interoperability: experiments with Java/HPC++
Java RMI provides an elegant and powerful model for invoking member functions on objects that exist in remote address spaces. Unfortunately, it is a Java-to-Java communication model, and in many of the scienti c applications we would like Java objects to interact with modules written in C++ or Fortran. This paper explores the design of RMI and extracts a subset of the RMI object model that is compatible with C++ and HPC++ remote object semantics. This RMI subset has been implemented to run over the Nexus runtime system and is being used as part of the LSA distributed linear system analyzer project.
Fabian Breg, Shridhar Diwan, Juan E. Villacis, Jay
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors Fabian Breg, Shridhar Diwan, Juan E. Villacis, Jayashree Balasubramanian, Esra Akman, Dennis Gannon
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