

Jikzi - a new framework for security policy, trusted publishing and electronic commerce

14 years 3 months ago
Jikzi - a new framework for security policy, trusted publishing and electronic commerce
In this paper, we describe a thread of research which we have followed off and on at Cambridge for about three years. Our topic is the security of electronic documents, in the broad sense: how can we be sure of the authenticity of things that are published electronically? This started off as a relatively small project, which we thought would take only a few weeks. The goal was to help our medical informatics department publish information such as drug formularies and treatment protocols on the hospital LAN or PC diskettes in an appropriately dependable way. It rapidly became clear that the problem was much larger and more complex; a general solution would not only cope with `content'
Ross J. Anderson, Jong-Hyeon Lee
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Authors Ross J. Anderson, Jong-Hyeon Lee
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